
what is Dirt ???

  1. DIRT in the dictionary:
    1.any foul or filthy substance, as mud, grime, dust, or excrement.
    2.earth or soil, esp. when loose.
    3.something or someone vile, mean, or worthless: After that last outburst of hers I thought she was dirt.
    4.moral filth; vileness; corruption.
    5.obscene or lewd language: to talk dirt.
    6.Informal. gossip, esp. of a malicious, lurid, or scandalous nature: Tell me all the latest dirt.
    7.private or personal information which if made public would create a scandal or ruin the reputation of a person, company, etc.
    8.Mining. crude, broken ore or waste.The material from which gold is separated by washing.
    9.do (someone) dirt. dirty (def. 18).
    10.eat dirt, Informal. to accept blame, guilt, criticism, or insults without complaint; humble or abase oneself: The prosecutor seemed determined to make the defendant eat dirt.

  2. Dirt/sporco e’ cio’ che si getta perche’ non utile, che togliamo affinche’ non venga visto. Quello che va storto, che non viene usato, cio’ che e’ spazzato via.
    Dirt e’ una sostanza: l’ insieme di quel che non e’ stato.

Vi chiedo idee, progetti, storie e cose che non sono accadute o avete nascosto.

E' ora di alzare il tappeto e tirare fuori cio' che, con un colpo di scopa, avete sotterrato.

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